Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

By A Mystery Man Writer
Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

When you run with a fabulous circle of people like Real Housewife of New York Alumna, Jill Zarin, you know you need a home that's fit to impress. With clean designs and modern colors, Jill Zarin's Uptown Collection perfectly captures the sophistication of Manhattan, so your home can be Park Avenue-ready.

Coming in a wide variety of patterns, there's something for everyone in this collection. Whether your preference is a round rug, a runner, or a traditional 5 x 8 rug, each is distinctive and sure to liven up any room.

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Apollo Estrella Area Rug - 9' x 12' Multi

Once upon a time, you had to live in the woods with dwarves to get that storybook cottage feel. The Bromley Collection starts a new chapter in home decor. Soft colors and simple, unembellished designs make these rugs the perfect accent to nearly any space, so youll always feel like youve stepped into the pages of your favorite fairytale.

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Bromley Midnight Pink 5 ft. x 8 ft. Area Rug

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Salle Garnier Sofia Area Rug - 7' x 10' Beige

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Uptown Lenox Hill Area Rug 9' 0 x 12' 0, Rectangular Pink

If you dream of idyllic forest glades and storybook cottages, the Whitney Collection is for you. Featuring intricate floral patterns and bold, angular

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Geneva Whitney Rug , 10' 0 x 14' 0 ,Pink

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Uptown Yorkville Area Rug 9' 0 x 12' 0, Rectangular Pink

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Uptown Lenox Hill Area Rug 9' 0 x 12' 0, Rectangular Pink

Our Solid Shag Collection features luxurious shag rugs in 22 count em gorgeous colors. Lush and soft you ll fall in love with this amazing rug. Imagine sinking your bare feet into the lavish pile of this extravagant rug You ll be the envy of everyone who visits your home with the magnificent color from your Solid Shag rug.

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Solid Shag Area Rug (6' x 6' Round - Taffy Pink)

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Uptown 5 ft Round Pink Area Rug

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

Unique Loom Milano Whitney Rug Powder Pink/Blue 9' x 12' Rectangle Medallion Coastal Perfect For Living Room Bed Room Dining Room Office

Our Solid Shag Collection features luxurious shag rugs in 22 count em gorgeous colors. Lush and soft you ll fall in love with this amazing rug. Imagine sinking your bare feet into the lavish pile of this extravagant rug You ll be the envy of everyone who visits your home with the magnificent color from your Solid Shag rug.

Unique Loom Uptown 9x12 Pink Large Area Rug

7'x10' Solid Shag Rug Bubblegum Pink - Unique Loom