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Articulation Assessment Toolkit – Best Speech Therapy App on the App Store


I’m thrilled to dedicate GeekSLP TV Episode #6 to an app I’ve developed: the Assessment of Articulation and Phonology (AAT). This app stands out as both fun and highly functional. Not only does it offer comprehensive features, but it also elevates traditional paper-and-pencil materials by infusing creativity into the assessment process. While AAT doesn’t yet replace traditional tests that yield standard scores (SS) for determining eligibility for special education services, it serves as a robust alternative for those who don’t require SS.

I’ve often been asked whether AAT needs to be standardized. Here’s my perspective: The real question is, why do we rely so heavily on SS? SS are primarily used for eligibility criteria and don’t provide insights into specific speech errors, age appropriateness of those errors, or any other nuanced aspects of a student’s articulation skills.

As Speech Therapists, we’re more interested in what lies behind the SS—specifically, the patterns of speech errors. AAT is designed to analyze these patterns, making it easier for clinicians to identify and understand them. I’m considering elaborating on this in a future podcast, complete with experiments and case studies. For now, I’m eager to hear your thoughts on the episode.

You can find AAT on the App Store, and for more details, visit the Smarty Ears website at Smarty Ears.

Stay tuned for GeekSLP Episode #7, where I’ll delve into Web 2.0 and Social Media.

A big thank you to everyone who has become a “fan” of my Facebook page!

Comments (1)

Love the Sunny test . . .just wish it was standardized. Unfortunately, the job I have requires only the ss . . . . I don’t do any therapy, just testing. I will be the first in line when standardized apps start coming out!

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