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Being different: Brazilian campaign against prejudice of children with special needs

Screen shot 2011-05-01 at 9.49.25 AM

I still enjoy watching brazilian soap operas. Despite the fact that they are very ( I mean VERY) counter productive ( daily shows); I have recently been fascinated by a campaign by against prejudice of children with special needs. This is the second video I watch on the major network by MetaSocial and for the longest time I have wanted to post it on GeekSLP. However, I needed to translate it to English; so it took me some time. Click on the video below to watch it:

As an educator we all know the impact of prejudice and setting low expectation for children with or without any disability. In a world that is still filled with prejudice, we have a moral obligation for helping other understand that as well. I love how this video does not make ANY reference to the fact that she has down syndrome; but it just makes obvious that we are all different and special in some way.

If we can focus on what children CAN do rather than what they CANNOT do; we may just start making some progress.

Happy Better Speech and Hearing month everyone!

GeekSLP (AkA Barbara Fernandes)

Comments (1)

I love this! Being different IS normal and the world would be very, very boring if we were all exactly the same. Thanks so much for tweeting! At Ollibean we say Different Rules!

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