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Embracing the need for a revolution in education through iTechnology

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Teaching in the technology revolution era requires education to evolve in order to provide students with the support they need to become participants in society.  It is time for us to teach our children to become an ever evolving learner; but we must first educate our educators to become ever learning educators. Before students are able to meet the demands of this globalized world,  educators must achieve a level of proficiency and become literate in the four areas of the iLiteracy Model.

The iLiterate Model proposes that educators must be competent and knowledgeable in four ares:


  1. Tools: e.g: iPads, iPods, Computers, Apps, Tablet computers, etc.
  2. Teaching strategies: small groups, modeling instruction, etc.
  3. Curriculum: Math, literature, reading/writing, etc
  4. Technology literacy: updating apps, accessibility features on devices, updating operational systems, etc.


These 4 areas work together in building the knowledge and proficiency educators must obtain in order to prepare their students. While curriculum and evidence based teaching strategies are already part of the training received during their education and in-services; the tools must be embraced and provided by educational institutions and technology literacy must be achieved through frequent training and constant use.

While these four areas are interconnected and may not be separated at a practical level, we will attempt to discuss each area separately for didactic purposes only.

While we have evidence to show that families with better access to books and higher educational levels are directly related to student success, will we soon see a shift in which families that have access to technology tools be directly related to student achievement? Today the students who would not normally have access to books at home can at least have access to them in the school environment and free public libraries. However, if the parents cannot provide tech experience to their children and schools are not providing this level of access, how will students from lower economic backgrounds succeed in the future society? Tool literacy has to become as basic as traditional literacy.

This post is just a summary of the whole 9 page long document publish online. You can read full document by clicking on image bellow:





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