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Facebook Pages for SLPs


If you are interested in technology, and networking with speech therapists online, can be a great option. Long gone are the days in which the Internet was used for dating services only. Today, we can asks questions, share interests and network with other SLPs, and stay tunned to SLP news right from your own couch. Here is my list of favorite Facebook pages you should join:

1. GeekSLP

2. iPhone, itouch & iPad for Speech Therapy

3. Avocado Technologies

4. SpeechTechie

5. Smarty Ears Apps for SLPs

6. The Practical (and Fun!) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools

7.  AAC Therapy Solutions

8.  Educate: The ultimate iPhone/iTouch App for Teachers

9.Assistive Technology

10. iTeach Special Education- iDevices in Special Education

Speech Therapy in General

1. The American Speech and Hearing Association

2. Speech-Language Pathologists

3.  Future SLPs

4. SLT Students

5.  TSHA Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association

6. National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)

7. Stuttering Foundation

8. Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech

9. Autism Speaks

10. Fonoaudiologia!

If you know of any other pages, please let me know. I would be happy to add here.

Comments (4)

How about these Facebook Groups?

Assistive Technology

iTeach Special Education- iDevices in Special Education

You are right! I am posting these groups on the list right now!

There is also a new Dysphagia Therapy group on facebook

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